Monday, November 12, 2007

Mommy's boy

A little bit about Austin. Austin LOVES frogs, spiders, dogs, and babies! He loves to watch Dora and Winnie The Pooh. When he sees a dog or a baby he flips out and wants to hold them. Its amazing how fast this year has gone. It was only in January when he could barley say "milk" and now he is not only talking in full sentences, but he screams them! He makes me laugh he is such a funny kid. The other night I said "Goodnight fish" to him and he laughed so hard. He loves to color when I teach preschool, and he has lately come up to me and does the signs for "more milk please" He loves his sister so much, they are best friends. He loves her favorite game of Hide N' Seek. Austin loves to sing "Twinkle Twinkle" little star and " ITsy Bitsy Spider" Austin loves Pizza, cookies, and taking baths, I wonder where he gets that from!! I just can't believe this little boy will be three in January! Time sure flys.

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