Monday, November 12, 2007

My Dear Husband

I started this blog becasue I need to write in a journal and this has become my little journal. I love my husband more then I can even express in words. We play this game called "Shmily" See How Much I Love you. Just the other day when I was having a bad week I went outside to my car, and to my surprise found a dozen red rozes with a card. When I turned on the radio he had a cute song playing for me. I can't tell you how much I love him. When I first met him I knew deep down there was something about him that I longed to be around. He made me feel so comfortable around him and was someone I could trust. Other guys down at school were nice and stuff, but there was just something about Trent that really made me think we would be great friends. I never relized that we would have what we have! Our trials have made us so strong and bonds us together even more. We are the type that can't hide things from each other and we know every little thing about each other. Because of our communication and devotion to each other we are truly one in everything. I picture Trent and I in the future as the old couple, who really knows what love is. Sitting outside on the swing with his arm around my shoulder and talk about our life. I am so grateful I get to spend eternity with this wonderful, joyful, self giving soul! I must have done something so good to deserve him. He really is a gentleman and I love him more for it every day! SHMILY Trent!


skcoe said...

WELCOME to the wonderful world of blogging!!!!! It's addictive...

Alisa and Crowells said...

Jamie!! Love the blog! I didn't even know you had one!! It's fun you started from the beginning! You have some great and way cute kids!