Friday, February 22, 2008


I am so excited to feel this little bean move, by then it might feel "real" that I am pregnant and not just raunchy and sick all the time~ Since this will probably most likely be our last child I want to savor every moment, yet I am anxious for August to come around~ We find out what we are having April 10th. What a great birthday present for me! I have gained back three pounds, after losing the 16. I don't show a ton while pregnant but thanks to being overly blessed I just look like I am having triplets and that is a problem. It is when I nurse when I gain all the weight, I am not one of the lucky ones who can lose weight while nursing. Anyways this is just my way to keep a journal of how I feel during this time :)

1 comment:

Ashlie said...

overly blessed--that made me laugh!