Saturday, February 16, 2008

Dr. Smith

I had my first real Dr. Appt. yesterday. This time around I told the Dr. I don't think I need my rhogam shot because I believe Trent is o-, so she said "let's get him tested" I know a lot of Dr's who worry that women cheat on their spouses and the real baby's father could be a positive making the RH Factor, so I am glad she was so eager to test and not try to save her Hyde. I also need to go in and do my gestational diabetes glucose test this week, even though I am only technically 13/14 weeks. If it is negative I will re-take it again at 28 weeks.
I also asked her If I could keep my original due date of Aug. 15th for a couple reasons. The first reason, according to me Austin was due on time, according to all the u/s I had with him, he was three weeks early. He was healthy and very close to Hannah's weight that I think I was right. That isn't that big of an issue this time around because it is only exactly 7 days difference, Aug 22. The biggest reason is Hannah starts kindergarten Aug 25th, and I want to be feeling better to take her. Also we live so far from the hospital it wouldn't be good to go into labor fast and have it on the highway like two ladies this last snow storm lol . She said we can still say it's Aug 22, but no matter what she will induce me Aug 15th or even two days earlier then that. So I am changing my avatar so I will be able to see how the baby is growing each week according to me. :)


Ashley and Devan said...

How Fun! Sounds like you have a great doctor. I was going to e-mail you the name of the Dr (dr. Wayne Young) I had in Orem.. I Hated Him! I am so glad that he is not your Dr. Are you delivering at Orem Community? That is where I delivered and it was great.

Ashlie said...

I can't believe Hannah is starting kindergarten! August 15th will be here before you know it!

Ashley and Devan said...

I liked Orem Community a lot. Most of my nurses were great. I have heard really good things about A.F. Hospital too. Speaking of American Fork I worked for the BEST pediatrician ever there! His name is Michael Whiting. He is ranked 3rd in the state of Utah. His office is on the same road as the hospital. You guys probably already have someone. But I thought I would mention it just in case.