Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Rock Band

My husband got the game Rock Band, At first I thought what a waste of money, we aren't ever going to play it. How wrong was I??? My little family has bonded and Trent has finally heard me sing for the first time. I thought I would hate the singing part cause I wouldn't be able to do it, but I was shocked and now can sing on HARD. I am not that great but better then I thought. ( it's to stay on key not necessarily what a great singer you are.) It probably sounds funny listening. I wish there were some more good songs, but my favorite is Weezer, Radio head, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and two more but I forgot what they were. For Family Home Evening we all played, Austin was the drummer, Trent on the guitar, and Hannah and I were singers. I will post pictures when I can~!

In two weeks my sister in laws are having a Rock Band party so that should be fun now that I know what to do!~


Ashlie said...

That looks and sounds like loads of FUN!! I wish Paul and I could come play!

utahmama2 said...

You guys should!!! Come on over!!