Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The joke is on you Trent

Trent's mom has told us forever ago that there was a family pot luck party at her sisters house yesterday. She kept wanting us to come and so when she called to ask if Trent was taking me out to dinner, Trent said "we are going to the potluck " he thought it was odd she would ask that. So we go to this potluck and half way through we relize Trent is the ONLY guy there, surrounded by tons of women. He kept getting comments on how brave he was to be the only guy. We asked some of his sisters if this was an only girl thing, and some of them said yes. Needless to say we left early and Trent told me if he knew that was what it was going to be he would've taken me out instead, why would I go to meet his aunt I don't know on my birthday... he kept venting about it and how his mom should've told him. I thought it was kinda funny but hey he got free food so that's what matters I guess.


Ashlie said...

Paul would have been so MAD!! That is funny!

skcoe said...

I didn't find out about it until Monday, and then, as an afterthought, they mentioned that it was just for girls.


I didn't go. I wanted time with my hubby. There you have it!!

Nick said...

Hey I am glad you posted on my blog, your little family is so cute! Another baby how fun! Its great to see how you are doing! WHere are you guys at now?

Aleese and Scott said...

It was good to hear from you. Your family is so cute! Also if your cousin wants any information just let me know.

Brea Marie said...

Jamie, Thanks so much for the comment and passing along my info to Kim! It is so much fun to hear what you guys are up to. I would love to know if Crystal has a blog too. If not, we need to convince her that we can keep in contact with each other this way. You have such a cute family! I wish we could have caught up more at Crystal's jewelry party. I have missed so much of everyone's lives. I am so in love and addicted to this blogging world. Let me know of anyone else who has a blog that I may not know about. See ya!