Thursday, April 10, 2008

Today on our way to see my Dr. Hannah asked who she was going to marry. I told her I didn't know and that she would find out when she was older. Then I asked her who she would like to marry, she told me the guy with yellow hair on dancing with the stars. She even remembered him after last season of that show when he appeared on Entertainment tonight, its funny! Then she asked what my Dr's name was, when I said Dr. Smith she asked if she was from the store. We must go to Smith's quite a bit!


The Austins! said...

Dang Woman! You are a blogging MANIAC today! Their room looks great! I cant' wait to see it all finished *and in person*!!! The belly shots are great! And it was soo goood to see you yesterday! It's been WAY too long! Love Ya!!!

Nick said...

Look at all these new posts I Love it! Their room looks cute! That is way funny about the Dancing with the stars boy! Kids really do say the darndest things, they just tell it like it is! Mitchell I know is teaching me everyday!

Brea Marie said...

Jamie, Kids say the cutest things. One of my favorite stories was from my neice, Brittney. On the way to my wedding, she was in the car with me (I had her hair done at the same time as mine) and the song Christmas shoes came one (we got married Dec 12) and I was crying, (that song always makes me cry, every year) and Brittney asks me, "Brea if you have a baby, what will you name it?" I laughed and said, "Brittney about we worry about me getting married first, then we can talk babies." Kids, they think of crazy things, right?