Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

I am not sure if it is this book I have been reading or a feeling that I need to get off my butt and start preparing for the future. I need to get my food storage prepared. In the book I have read, and a very possible of a nuclear bomb (E BOMB) * When I used to think of nuclear bomb you think of the mushroom clowd a fast spark of light and bamb your gone not knowing what you hit you, or getting radiation afterwards, but I never thought of one hitting high in the automspehere setting off all battery operated things including fridges, anything electric, pacemakers,the plumbing in your home will be electrified, cars, cell phones, computers, and even flashlights would bring us into a 1880 time frame, what can I do to prepare? I am not going to go buy tons of stuff right now, but getting a 72 hour kit for my kids, and a three months food storage of normal food (Even if my husband lost his job or something unpredictable like that I would still be able to live off of the three months of storage) Then when you can buy a long term food storage. Most people die from contaminated water, so even if you were to fill up water from the tap right now in good water storage would come in handy later. Also if a nuclear attack or electromagnetic pulse EMP - this website sums it pretty much up. Read it!( *Not a direct attack to kill instantly or from radiation, but to make America die from a long death from starvation and unable to survive or get around since that is what we depend on, how many of us know how to do things our ancestors did over 100 years ago? I don't* cash won't mean anything but meaningless paper, the only thing that might be of real value would be gold. How many of us know emergency preparedness? For family home evening these next couple weeks I am going to have Trent show me how to turn off all the gas/water valves and put the correct tools next to them, and so on. Ok so this is a long post but I found this idea of a simple way to spend around 8-10 dollars a week to build up your storage. There are a lot of other ideas, but one I will do is not only get battery powered flashlights, but also I want some that you can shake and don't depend on battery's, and I will also learn how to use a gun, because who knows when that will come in handy as scary as that would be. Even if it isn't my lifetime that sees more destruction than what is going on now, someone down my line will be and I hope to not only prepare myself and my children, but also that they can teach their children and so on.

Week 1: 61bs. salt
Week 2: 5 cans cream of chicken soup
Week 3: 20 lbs. of sugar
Week 4: 8 cans tomato soup
Week 5: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 6: 6lbs. macaroni
Week 7: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 8: 8 cans tuna
Week 9: 6lbs. yeast
Week 10: 50Ibs.wheat
Week 11: 8 cans tomato soup
Week 12: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 13: 10 lbs. powdered milk
Week 14: 7 boxes macaroni and cheese
Week 15: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 16: 5 cans cream of chicken soup
Week 17: 1 bottle 500 multi-vitamins
Week 18: 10 lbs. powdered milk
Week 19: 5 cans cream mushroom soup
Week 20: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 21: 8 cans tomato soup
Week 22: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 23: 8 cans tuna
Week 24: 6 lbs. shortening
Week 25: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 26: 51bs. honeyWeek 27: 10 lbs. powdered milk
Week 28: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 29:5 lbs. peanut butter
Week 30: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 31: 7 boxes macaroni and cheese
Week 32: 10 lbs. powdered milk
Week 33: 1 bottle 500 aspirin
Week 34: 5 cans cream of chicken soup
Week 35: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 36: 7 boxes macaroni and cheese
Week 37: 6lbs. salt
Week 38: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 39: 8 cans tomato soup
Week 40: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 41: 5 cans cream chicken soup
Week 42: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 43: 1 bottle 500 multi-vitamins
Week 44: 8 cans tuna
Week 45: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 46: 6lbs. macaroni
Week 47: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 48: 5 cans cream mushroom soup
Week 49: 5 lbs. honey
Week 50: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 51: 8 tomato soup
Week 52: 5 lbs. wheat

Some weeks you will have leftover change. Save the change each week in a kitty to be used for the weeks you may exceed $5.00 (like wheat or milk).
You will end up with:

500 pounds of wheat
180 pounds of sugar
40 pounds of powdered milk
12 pounds of salt
10 pounds of honey
5 pounds peanut butter
45 cans of tomato soup
15 cans of cream of mushroom soup
15 cans of cream of chicken soup
24 cans of tuna
21 boxes of macaroni and cheese
500 aspirin
1000 multi-vitamins
6 pounds of yeast
6 pounds of shortening
12 pounds of macaroni

This should be enough to sustain two people for one year. For every two people in your family add $5.00 more and double or triple the amount


kelli said...

We are getting ours up too. Buy some Chlorine, it will save your life. Also, check out the church website for more ideas.

The Johnson Fam said...


I got your message. We do have Trents jacket. Charlie will be here on Friday until about 3:30. I am leaving for Las Vegas tomorrow (yes, I am leaving Charlie alone for moving day). You are welcome to come by and pick it up.
I also think that Chad and Anya may be helping with the move and we could give it to them on Saturday. Just let me know!

Bentleys said...

Wow I am overwhelmed now!

Brea Marie said...

Jamie, Sounds to me like someone is nesting! I start thinking about those things while pregnant too.

utahmama2 said...

Jess,I am overwhelmed too maybe I should've started with 72 hour kits LOL. I think the price of everything and watching the news and hearing everything can make you feel that way, One step at a time I guess, but on the bright side you guys know how to make some dang good pizza's that would be like Gold to anyone hungry lol