Friday, May 2, 2008

My little Lucky Charm

I have asked a couple women if their last pregnancy was harder then their first ones. Thinking to myself that this is my third pregnancy and I have already done it twice before it should be cake! WRONG! Each woman said that the more pregnancies the harder it was but the easier the recovery is. I remember telling people that I felt better in my second trimester of pregnancy then not being pregnant at all. This time is a different story. Starting from the beginning I was so sick, had food poisoning, stomach flu three times and lost 16 pounds. Once that was over the time has flown by according to me, I can't believe it is already May! To Trent, however the time is going so slow LOL. I have been having braxton hicks contractions throughout this whole pregnancy starting very early, well yesterday they were getting stronger and to the point it was taking my breath away and hurting a little bit. I called my dr. telling them I think it could be a uti that was causing it. (When I wasn't pregnant it was so easy to know the minute a uti hit me, now the only symptom I get is stronger contractions that I notice, I never had uti's during my other two pregnancys but I used to get them a lot when I wasn't pregnant. This time I had one about two months ago) They told me to go into labor and delivery to check it out. When I got there my neighbor who is the nurse there was my nurse! They did a test to see if I would go into labor in the next couple weeks, but some of my friends had that test turn up positive and not go into labor till full term. She told me I was a fingertip dilated and that I def. had a UTI. The baby kept kicking the monitor off and making it really loud when she would move. I must say I love macrobid, it is like candy to me.. .it makes everything better!! I was crossing my fingers that it was only a uti because there is no way I could go on bed rest with two kids and everything I am doing. I do get a wave of energy where I just have to clean clean clean and today I tried to stop the urge to do things that make me feel overwhelmed. I decided to lay down and try to take a nap while Trent watched the kids. I woke up an hour later came out of my room and saw toys and lucky charms spilled all over my front room and kitchen floor that I had just cleaned the day before. I can take one day off but other then that I don't know how women do it!! The only thing that scares me a little bit about this pregnancy is that I won't make it to the hospital on time, she is so low and it took us around 45 minutes to get to the nearest hospital with no traffic, by the time we found someone to watch our kids!


kelli said...

Hopefully it was just the UTI giving you contractions. My midwife would never do those test because she said they always come up false positive. Anyway, I hope the medication starts working, and you won't have any more braxton hicks! P.S. bed rest sucks, but if it prevents a premature baby, it is worth it. I am sure once you get the infection taken care of you will feel a lot better, and I bet the contractions go away! HOpe you feel better. Also, I would think of going to a bigger hospital with a better nicu if I were you.

skcoe said...

Did you breathe at ALL while you typed that? Holy cow!

I'm glad it's something that's treatable and not something that will send you into labor. Try to take it as easy as you can! Hard...I know. I've been sick for two days and getting rest is impossible.

Bentleys said...

I hope everything is okay! Try to relax I was at a 2 for like three months and had BH contrax all the time and they felt like the real thing!! Dang #3!!! DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!!

Brea Marie said...

Jamie, I hope you get feeling better soon! UTI's are awful. Just wonderin, you live in Eagle Mountain right? So are you delivering at American Fork hospital? That's where I had Brooke. But I had a better experience at Payson with DaKoda. Best of luck to you! I really hope you feel better soon. Tell Trent that he has to clean up any mess the kids make while you are sick.

utahmama2 said...

yeah American Fork, what was your experience there brea?? I had my other two at Mckay in Ogden so ut. county is all new to me! lol

Ashlie said...

Hey just checking in, I can't believe you are have BH contractions!! I am so sorry that have had a rough pregnancy! I will keep you in my prayers! I MISS YOU!!