Thursday, June 19, 2008

3 Joys 1. Hannah- Listening to her singing at the top of her lungs, her wanting to help clean, watch her brother, and dance! I love how she is so excited to learn and wants to do creative things. She has to have a schedule because this little girl is so full of excitement and life she doesn't want to miss a moment. She loves anything girly from Disney princess's, to my make-up and dresses.
2. Austin- This little guy is so funny. He loves spiderman more then anything. He has to wear his spiderman shirt, and backpack with a hat. He loves to dress in a gray shirt and says it is his work shirt like daddy's. He is one smart cookie and loves to play his spiderman game, computer, and also loves wonderpets, and his new favorite- basketball
3. Faith- I love feeling this little girl wiggle when I am laying down and it feels like her feet and hands are reaching out into my hands.
3 Fears 1. The bad economy and not being able to afford to live anymore because the more we get raises the more everything else is inflating so much it won't matter, gas prices will always rise as everything else.
2. An EMP, not having enough food storage or water to protect my family.
3. loosing a loved one
3 Goals1. To be financially stable.
2. To teach my kids the best I can in educational/spiritual aspects
3. Pay down my house and get all food storage/ 72 hour kits ready
3 Current Obsessions/Collections
1. Reading "The Great and the Terrible"
2. Cleaning/ nesting
3. making cookies
3 Random Facts
1. I used to visit a couple of nursing homes every Sunday, and worked at two before college. I miss doing that, because that is what brought real joy in my life.
2. I have grown a lot in the last couple years and am able to hear both sides of someones story without judging, no matter how bad it may seem
3. I have had some scary experiences in my life

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