Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My life according to Google
This is a tag that Brea tagged me with, I think it is the only tag I actually have done on my blog and it looks real fun! Make sure you add quotations around what you are googling. Then pick out your favorites and post, Enjoy

1. Type in "Your name, Needs"
Jamie Needs:

~ a kid
~ to grow up and shut up
~ needs a little help to get out of bed
~ a haircut
~ our support

2."your name looks like:"
Jamie looks like:

~ the grudge
~ looks like she is in a coke ad
~ looks amazing

3."your name does:"
Jamie Does:

~ magic
~ the worm
~ it well
~ smiles easily

4. "Your name hates"
Jamie Hates

~ crappy gas prices (Man is that true!)
~ communists
~ spiders

5."your name goes/ or has gone"
Jamie has gone:

~ mad
~ away for the weekend
~ mental

6. "Your name loves"
Jamie Loves:

~the crock hunter
~ the sun

7."Your name eats"
Jamie Eats

~ a cricket
~ 5 big macs

8. "Your name has"
Jamie Has:
~several advantages
~ a rare blend of intelligence
~ has been responsible

9."Your name died"
Jamie died:

~ on Halloween

10. "Your name will"
Jamie Will:

~ a great time
~ will be a great mom

11. Type in your name and see how many pages come up
55 +

1 comment:

Brea Marie said...

Way fun, right? I love - Jamie eats 5 big macs! Hope you find out why you have been so sick. I hate playing the guessing game when you are pregnant. Good luck! Hope this summer doesn't get too hot for ya!