Saturday, June 28, 2008

My significant Other

Where did you meet? Good Ole’ Dixie College In St. George
What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?
We were going caving and I saw this guy driving a truck up on this hill crazy with a bunch of girls in it. I thought that looks fun, then when he came to pick the rest of the crew up I said “ Cool Cd Player” He had a cd player that had a picture of little dolphins swimming on it *K that sounded a little weird, but it was cool Lol* He kept trying to hold a girls hand so I never really checked him out or whatever because I thought he was dating this chick. *He would kill me if he read that*
When I really got to know him, I thought he would be a great friend, a buddy bud that I could go to. He was someone I truly felt like I could trust.
Do you remember what he/she was wearing?
Probably shorts, his hat he always used to wear and I don’t know about the shirt

Where was the first time you kissed this person?
I kissed him first In my apartment.

Where did you go for your first date?
We didn’t go on an actual DATE until after we were dating. College kids come up with their fun creative ideas with a bunch of friends, or we just relax and watched movies. The first date we were supposed to go to a stomp and my roommates did my hair and make-up, way more then I ever have worn. But last minute trent called and asked if we could go see The Others with his brother and sister in law. I remember hurrying and trying to wipe most of the dark eyeliner off.

How long did you know this person before you became a couple?
I was set to not have a relationship after I got my heart broken in high school *Turned out for the best however* and I wanted to go on a mission. But when you focus on yourself is when life hits you upside the head and within a week of meeting Trent we were a couple.

How did he/she ask you out?
PUH-LEASE! I had to do all the asking, kissing, holding hands, and so forth. Maybe that’s what he liked about me, but I couldn’t resist!

Has this person ever proposed to you?
Yes he proposed on the red cliffs in St.George.

Do you and this person have kids together?
2 and one on the way!

Have you ever broken the law with this person?
If you consider taking roses off of a grave to give to my roommate then yes. *HOWEVER they cleared the graves every Monday morning, so we did it at midnight on Sunday night*

When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?
I think the second day he I saw him around my apartment, I asked where his girlfriend was, I think he was a little confused. This is when I also figured out he was a big huggy and flirty person, unlike me who still doesn’t like to be touched.

Do you get along with his/her family?
I am very close to his family. I call his mom every day just like I call my mom everyday. I get along really well with his sisters and am glad I am part of the family. Most people can’t say that about their in laws but I am glad I can.

Do you trust this person?
More than anyone else.

Do you see them as your partner in your future?

What is the most expensive thing they gave you?
My house?

What is one thing he/she does that gets on your nerves?
I won’t go into that ..LOL I’m pregnant I am sure a lot of things get on my nerves and I am sure I get on his nerves jk For the most part I think we have the best relationship out there, we are like two peas in a pod and best friends.

What is the thing you do that gets on his/her nerves?
Again we won’t get into that, you live and learn I guess.

Where do you see each other in 15 years from now?
In 15 years I could be a grandma *If Hannah is married and has a baby like I did at 20* I also so us hopefully going on some fun trips and just enjoying life to the fullest.

What causes the most arguments?
We really tell each other EVERY thing, we both know how to keep that trust and not go out and spill the beans when people have asked us to keep things in confidence. You don’t find that very often. I think it makes us very strong, we learn and like to help people from our mistakes, that is what this life is all about.

I tag anyone who wants to do this

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