Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday Viewing

Ok, so I got the guts to go to the viewing * the funeral is today I couldn't go to that * and told myself do not cry, because once I start I won't be able to stop! I couldn't look at my sister Kelli because while we were standing in line the little kids came up to hug us and It was so sad, kelli had tears in her eyes and that set me off so we both had to go in the bathroom and wipe our tears before we got in the door. I got into the door and hugged Lisa until she said " It's good to see you guys, I wish we could've meet up sooner before something like this happened" Then I went to shake his mom's hand and I couldn't hold it in finally after shaking hands with his sister *Thats all I could do my mom had to introduce me and I couldn't talk after that* I grabbed my mom's arm thinking it was Trent and she looked at me with her teary eyes and I shook his brothers hand then darted out the door boobing sobs down the hall until I could get into the bathroom. I felt so stupid I couldn't a stop crying and as I was rushing out I could hear someone say "Oh, she is crying." I think Lisa said it and no one really was crying so I didn't want to make it worse. So after I stopped crying we went outside and one of the little girls, Jessica had this little butterfly cage and her kindergarten teacher brought it to her so she could let the butterflies go. The last butterfly did not want to let go and held on to Jessica's hand, she sat there and smiled and both my sister and I started to tear up. Kelli said it looked like something out of a movie. It seemed like it was her daddy not wanting to leave her alone. Finally the butterfly flew away and I had to leave before I started crying again. I still can't believe that this has happened, and I my heart aches for them. It just felt like yesterday their family was next door to my moms, or me trying to get Lisa to go to a scary movie. We actually did once and I told her my analogy of the movie and happened to be right, we were the only ones in the theatre and she told me a lot about her life and growing up. I just feel so bad for them.


kelli said...

It has been such a downer day. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about Lisa and her family. I just teared up reading your posts. I wish I could help Lisa, but there is nothing I could really do. I am sure the next months will be a living hell for them. I hope people remember how He lived though, and not how he died. He was always such a fun guy.

Christian and Melissa said...

Wow Jamie! What a touching experience! The one comforting thing that can come from this is that they will be together again. This isn't the end. Even on this earth, they still have a life full of memories ahead of them, we just can't see what it is yet. I know they'll find happiness in another form and still have a place for their Dad. Is this someone that lived in Layton?

DeYoung said...

It is a tough thing to go through, not only for the family but for friends as well. Hopefully the sun will shine again...soon. Lisa is a strong person. She's in a lot of prayers, I'm sure. All your family is so good to be supportive.
Take care.

Alisa and Crowells said...

Wow. What an incredible story with the butterflies. It's so nice to have friends and family like you to support in times that are hard.