Monday, July 14, 2008

This could be scary..

Directions1. As a comment on my blog leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, even a first impression. Just anything that you remember!2. Next re-post these instructions on your own blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me I will assume you want to play the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't have a blog I will leave a memory of you in my comments or if you don't want to play on your blog I will leave one in my comments.Please feel free to leave as many memories as you'd like! :o)


Team Reid said...

I have so many memories of you! Some of my favorite were going to Subway (I still get the same thing every time I go), Girls Camp, Night Games, and our Alfred Hitchcock movies almost every weekend. One memory I have of you and Crystal you two probably don't even know about! Bri and I came to see you opening night of your play in H.S. and after we left we saw you all in the parking lot. Bri said we should follow you and see how far we got without getting caught. We got in her car and slowly drove over to where all of you were talking and getting in cars. We decided it would be best to pass you and wait up the street so you wouldn't see us as you drove off. Thinking we were so smooth and sneaky, we drove by your group and ducked down in our seats and just as we passed all of you Bri's arm HIT THE HORN! LOL! It was the WORST possible time considering we were RIGHT next to you and trying not to get caught, but that story still makes me laugh! HAHA!

Nick and Stacey said...

I too remember very vaguely...but still remember hanging out when we were really little! I also remember how much fun you were once we got older! You never were afraid to just be silly! It made it so much fun for me to have you guys who always were being so silly! You were wonderful in our plays! I loved that birthday party! Of course we had to watch Cinderella my mom made everyone watch it!

Alisa and Crowells said...
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Alisa and Crowells said...

Sorry--wanted to add something else. :)

Dress Ups at Grandma and Grandpa DeYoung's, sleepovers, Ghost in the Graveyard, House--whether at your place or at Grandma and Grandpa's, Barbies at Grandma and Grandpa's, telling scary stories, haunted houses, birthday parties, waiting for your family to come visit at Grandma and Grandpa's so we could play when we were younger and talk when we were older, there are so many....but this is my favorite--handing the reins of the rocking horse over to you at the Christmas Party. Okay, so I don't really remember it, but I remember it from the fam videos. LOL. :) We had lots of good times for sure.

Bentleys said...

Well I remember you from yearbook and yearbook camp you and crystal were nuts!!! But my fondest memory is when you came down to st. george and we talked and ate lunch it was so nice to have someone in the same boat and understand!! Plus our kids are all the same age!! I think you are just great!!!

utahmama2 said...

LOL Jess, if I remember right, wasn't it you who hitchhiked at yearbook camp for fun? It's funny because whenever I got around Crys my maturity and sanity dropped and we were nuts!! When I met people on my own I was actually myself, I wish I had hung out with you then but I am so glad I became friends with you now!! Alisa I also didn't think you handed over the reins I thought you pushed your way in haha jk. I don't remember it either, just from the movies. Yes It felt like yesterday we were playing house in the treehouse at Opa and Oma's as Orphans.. fun times

Unknown said...

One of my favorites memories of you and I is from our first semester down at Dixie, living at Raintree...You and I cooked up a Papa Murphy's pizza (which we got for free from one of the girls downstairs) at like 1am in the morning and stuffed our faces and talked about boys...for forever!! I loved it!

utahmama2 said...

Tina I always loved that you and it was either Darren or Tdog would come on double dates with us!!! I remember that night with the pizza, I never had time to eat so 1:00 in the morning for a pizza I wouldn't hold back. I remember I had made a banana cream pie and all us roommates snarfed it down on the floor in the kitchen, then we skated while we mopped.

Ashlie said...

I remember when I moved into the house in Washington Terrace and I was pregnant with McKenzie and YOU were SO SO SO SWEET and you brought me spaghetti dinner with HOMEMADE ROLLS! Paul LOVED the rolls he told me to go get some lessons from you! I remember we always planned to scrapbook, but never got anything done because I talk to much. I remember talking to you about my pycho M-I-L/family. I remember you planted pumpkins in Washington Terrace house and they grew on my side of the fence, and I brought them over to you. LOL!!

utahmama2 said...

Ashlie, I miss living next to you, and you don't talk too much I DO! one of my favorite memories with you was your sealing. That was our first video we made so it was a little jumpy but it was also the first family sealing I had seen and it was beautiful!!

Erin ;) said...

There is so many times you beat me up, ima teasin no there is a lot of memos scence ive known you my whole life! But I rember you making me rub you back for ten min then you would rub mine for two
:) erin

utahmama2 said...

Oh Erin you sound like my husband. Such bull LOL

Brea Marie said...

For some reason the memory that stands out the most to me right now was back when we first joined our wards in church. I remember feeling so weird about it because Cara had just moved and would no longer really go to church with me. And in came you and Crystal. I remember you both being very nice to me, but I left feeling so sad to not have my best friend with me. You two reminded me so much of Cara and I that I missed her even more when I hung out with you can Crystal. Not sure why that is what stands out right now. I guess I just really liked how close you guys were.

Christian and Melissa said...

I remember when we were little and your dad talking in Sacrament Meeting about going to war. That made me so sad to think your dad was gone so long. Wasn't your mom just about to have a baby too? I also remember our young women's group convincing Jan Balls to stay the night with us at the hotel. What was she thinking??? I loved the sleepovers at the Hilliers and nightgames! You were a big part of my childhood, sista!

Tiff and Chris said...

It was elementary. We always had so much fun. I think our first class together with Mrs. Finley. You always had a smile on your face!

kelli said...

Lets see, it is hard to chose a memory when we grew up together. I remember shopping for your wedding dress with you, I remember helping you up after your epidural with Austin and you almost collapsed on the floor and almost broke my back. Just kidding. I remember you wanting to hang out with my friends when you were little. I remember when mom told you "Marie get in here" and you started singing "how do you stop a problem like Maria" From sound of Music. I remember you calling from Dixie the Day Brinley was born. I could go on and on, but that is enough for now.

kelli said...

Lets see, it is hard to chose a memory when we grew up together. I remember shopping for your wedding dress with you, I remember helping you up after your epidural with Austin and you almost collapsed on the floor and almost broke my back. Just kidding. I remember you wanting to hang out with my friends when you were little. I remember when mom told you "Marie get in here" and you started singing "how do you stop a problem like Maria" From sound of Music. I remember you calling from Dixie the Day Brinley was born. I could go on and on, but that is enough for now.