Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just posting this is making my head spin. I am trying to get my mind off of the pain and I know a lot of people have been wondering what is going on and I appreciate that. Thursday as I had previous said my sil Gina took me to AF hospital because I felt like I was in labor. Come to find out they said I had a bladder infection and sent me home with some macro-bid. The pains got worse and weren't going away, so Sunday I called the on call dr. and waited and waited. I still have not gotten a call back and that was Sunday. I decided to call the L & D and told them what was going on, they said to take a Tylenol. Yeah right. I finally called the new dr. I was going to be seeing with my new insurance and he had his secretary call me right back because he was in a c-section. She told me that I needed to get into the hospital ASAP. I went to Timp. What a night and day difference~!! The nurses were so good to me and tried everything to get me out of pain. They thought I had kidneys stones so I had an ultrasound but couldn't find any *Thank goodness* so they thought it was a kidney infection since they cathed me twice and found blood. I have to go to a urologist to find out what is going on because the results aren't adding up. Sunday night I got really bad contractions every 2 minutes apart. My back was killing me and I went from a 1 to a 3 dilation and 90 % effaced. They were going to induce me but the dr. wanted to make sure * I am so glad he did because even though I was so ready to have this baby and get rid of this pain I would've felt so bad if the baby was sick* Sure enough I had the amniocentesis and were hoping for a level of 45 for the lungs in order to induce, but the baby's level was only 19!!! I feel so drugged up, sick , and am trying to keep in bed so I don't go into labor. I am staying with that hospital and dr.office because of the better care I received there. They told me I could stay and they would watch me, but for some reason a ton of women came in in labor and the rooms were all booked so I would have to share a room *which is the down fall and If I were in labor last thing I would want is to share a room, so I decided to take the meds home* Now I am home and my parents and sister have my kids which has helped me so much so that I can really rest and stay in bed. I am crossing my fingers that she doesn't come until her lungs are ready. When they did the amnio her eyes were open in the US it was the weirdest but cutest thing ever. Thanks to everyone who has helped watch my kids and help out I so appreciate it and couldn't ask for better family/friends.Not many people knew I was in the hospital because it happend so fast, I was in a lot of pain and exhausted. Darren and Sheryl watched my kids until Gina came to get them, then my parents came to get them on monday, other than that no one else really knew, so I am glad those that could filled everyone else in with the info since I was a zombie! I will try to keep you all posted.


Bentleys said...

Oh I am so sorry just think soon it will all be over and you will have cute lil Faith in your arms and it will all be worth it! I swear the third is a killer on ya but Sophie is my best baby so maybe Faith will be too! Call if you need anything!

Ashlie said...

I can't see the text?? Am I the only one??

Ashlie said...

Get better soon!!

DeYoung said...

Jamie! What a wild weekend! We sure hope things work out for the best. Hang in there...you are in our prayers, too. So sorry you're going through so much! "Faith" is such an appropriate name- Wish we lived closer and could help out. We're sure thinking of you!

Team Reid said...

Geez! Good luck with everything!! I know it is hard right now, but it will be over soon and you will get to see your cute baby!

Tiff and Chris said...

Oh, you poor thing. I hope all goes well, but I am glad you found a more caring dr. and medical staff.

Ashley and Devan said...

You poor thing. Bladder infections can be so painful! I hope you can get lots of rest and keep that little girl inside until she is ready. I'll keep you in my prayers. Keep us posted!