Thursday, August 14, 2008

Faith Sienna

Finally I am able to get to this! On Thursday 08/07 I called the hospital and they told me I had been knocked off the list to be induced because I wasn't medically induced just elective. I told her it was supposed to be medically and that I could call my dr. to call them. I told her what my problems were and she said that would put me back at the top of the list, in front of 5 people who were put in front of me. She told me to call in the morning. On Friday 08/08 I called at six in the morning and she said so many people came in during the night and all the rooms were booked. When I realized the date I knew so many people were going to try to have their babies that day. I didn't care about the date I was just ready! lol. Around noon my parents got to my house to babysit I started feeling like I was going into labor on my own, I called the hospital and they said to come in there was one room available. I was having contractions every 2-4 minutes apart and they gave me the pit and broke my water anyways. They noticed there was meconium in the water so I was a little worried about that. After two hours of giving me the pit I was still not hurting but I thought I mine as well get the epidural soon, so I am glad I told the nurse when I did because I was on a waiting list while other women were getting theirs. After fifteen minutes I was really feeling them, and as I watched the monitor the contractions were long and not stopping, when they did stop I was fine for a second until it kicked up again and I wanted to push!! Finally the anesthesiologist came in and as he gave me the epi laying down I could feel half the contraction stop and then all of it!! It was heaven. I told trent to go get the camera so while he was gone the nurse said if I could feel the catheter moving to let her know. I told her I could and so she checked me, * I had been at a six* so a couple minutes after the epidural she checked and I was an 8. I called my parents and they were on their way. I thought they would be here before the baby, but I was wrong. Two minutes after that I told the nurse I felt pressure and wasn't sure if it was a contraction or the head, so she checked me and I was complete. She ran to get all the supplies and when Trent came in from getting the camera he asked what was going on. I told him I was a ten! The dr. came in, the got me a mirror and within a couple pushes I could feel her come out. After the dr. cut the baby from the cord, he tried to pull the cord to get the placenta to come out, well all of sudden the cord detached from the placenta and blood sprayed all of us, the nurse, the dr. Trent, me, my bed, my hair and face! The nurse said she had never seen such a messy delivery LOL. Then the dr. asked if I had an epidural * I am glad the anesthesiologist came when he did or I wouldn't have had time for one!* I told him yes so he reached and grabbed the placenta and then that shot blood over us again. What a delivery! Everything went so well and for the first time I have a baby where I can see both of us in her not just Trent lol. She has chubby cheeks, dark hair in the back. She weighed 7'5 and 19 inches long. She was born 08/08/08 with the olympics playing in the background at 6:50 p.m She is a really good baby so far. That night after my family had come visited and I was done playing with her the nurse took her to the nursery. They woke me up saying she keeps holding her breath and so they took her to the special care unit to keep an eye on her. They thought she had an infection so they gave her antibiotics and if it came back positive she would have to stay in the hospital for ten days. On sunday it came back that she was ok. So Sat. and Sunday weren't the way I would have had it but at least she was fine and we got to come home. I had my CT scan done so I couldn't nurse for 48 hours so by the time I could I was engorged with the baby blues so that is why I haven't been on here telling my story. Things are getting better though. The kids were so excited and love the baby a little too much! I have cuter pictures to post when I get the time.


Clark Family said...

What a story!! I love it!! She's so pretty!! Congrats to your whole family!!

Casey said...

Congrats! she's so cute!

Bentleys said...

Wow she had to have a dramatic entrance just like the whole pregnancy!! Hope you get feeling better and she is so cutel!!!

Brea Marie said...

Thanks for sharing your story. What a crazy day! She is sure cute! If you need to talk or want to do your pictures, give me a call. If you need my number, just let me know. Congrats! Brea

Ashlie said...

She is so cute!! I can definetly tell her siblings love her A LOT!! That is so precious! I want to come see you and the baby! How long would it take me to get to your house?? SERIOUSLY!!

utahmama2 said...

Probably an hour and a half?

Team Reid said...

Wow! It's pretty crazy to read the story and think that you and I were texting through most of it! :) I am glad things went as well as they did and she got here safe and sound! She's a doll!