Thursday, May 29, 2008


What a week, I am ready for it to be over! I couldn't sleep last night my thoughts and my bladder kept me up all night long. I don't know if I should even post this, but it's nice to be able to vent, and the only one who knows who I am talking about is my sister and my mom, so I dunno maybe I will delete it. Yesterday was my dad's birthday, but probably not a fun one for him. I don't know what it is about memorial weekend and everyone seems to pass away. Last week my mom called me and told me a cute little couple in my old ward were in a car accident on their way to the temple, he died on the scene. Then she called me the next day or so and told me she had passed as well. When I heard she passed I thought that is good because now she doesn't have to be alone and they can be together. So for my dad's birthday he had to go to their funeral and then another viewing that night for someone they know. He also got the news that someone we know had taken his life. It didn't seem real when they told me but I couldn't stop thinking about it. They have young kids and last night when Trent and I said goodnight to our kids my mind wouldn't stop letting me think how sad those kids aren't able to kiss their dad goodnight last night. Even as an adult it would be hard to understand or go through something like that, but as a child they have no idea why things happen. I honestly think that it is easy for people to judge or think people who take their own life are selfish but what people don't realize is they aren't in their right mind, and they think that what they are doing is for the best otherwise they wouldn't do it. Anyways enough about that, I am just glad families can be together forever and that God himself is the judge and knows the intent of our hearts no matter how hard life can be. Times like this make you want to just hug your children and realize you are important to them even though when they scream and fight and you have to chase after them putting you into contractions, they really do love you and would do anything to have you. Well my heart goes out to the family and I wish there was something I could do to help. My sister asked me if I would come up for the funeral, but it seems like every time I am pregnant someone dies and I am overly emotional at the funerals even when it is for someone who is old or in pain and needed to go, so I can't imagine going to one like this where his kids will be there, I think I will make matters worse being a big cry baby.


kelli said...

Yeah, I can't get over it either. It is so tragic. I couldn't stop thinking about it too.

Brea Marie said...

Jamie, Was the couple anyone I would know? I haven't heard about it, so I am assuming no. But I just wanted to double check. I too, get way overly emotional when I am pregnant. Everything seems like it hits 10 times harder when you are pregnant. Hope things calm down a little for you and for the families that are mourning right now. My heart goes out.

utahmama2 said...

brea, this was someone myfamily became close to after I was married so no I don't think you would know him, they no longer live in layton.

utahmama2 said...

thanks for your comment Brea~

Nick and Stacey said...

I did hear all about all that stuff! It is crazy! What an awful week for your parents ward! My dad was talking about it! I did know about the older couple and thee other too, but the young guy I just heard about! My dad didn't say who it was, but my heart goes out to the family! I am glad you posted it! I think the posts that truly come from your heart are the best ones! Thank You!

Christian and Melissa said...

Well hello Jamie! I'm so glad to see you on here! Your family is adorable. We are actually living in Draper right now, but will be moving in August. We're not sure where yet, but I'm sure it's somewhere great! ;) My mom told me about that couple that got in the car accident. It has really shaken up a lot of people that live in that area. It never seems real until it happens to you. Even then, you can't believe it's real. I'm so glad that now we can keep up!

utahmama2 said...

Yeah with the older couple it was sad, but they are together and they were older, with our neighbor it is devastating to see the family go through it alone. Tonight is the viewing I hope I can keep it together.