Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day

This memorial day we were hoping to do something fun with the kids but I got sick again for the fifth time in two months. I figured it has to be something besides just a stomach bug to be getting it this much. I started getting contractions and in my back *I normally get back labor when I go into labor* so Trent and I went to L & D. I swear something must be wrong with my veins in my arm or I just keep getting crappy nurses. The nurse I had poked me three times and during one time she was wiggling the needle under my skin, I looked up at Trent and his face was in horror. As soon as the nurse left to find someone else, he asked "Holy crap she was moving that needle everywhere if I had to watch that again I might pass out. " It sure did hurt. Then a new nurse came in and thankfully on the the first try she got the IV in. I told them not to give me any medications because I wasn't sure which one makes me so sick, well they did anyways and it sure was the one that makes me dizzy!! I was having a ton of strong contractions and really close together, they told me I was dehydrated and as soon as they fixed that the contractions weren't so close together anymore. I was out from the medication and we still don't know why I keep getting so sick so they took a bunch of tests. Needless to say I don't want to see that place until it is time to have the baby, hopefully not for at least another ten weeks!


kelli said...

Did they check your gallbladder? Do you get sick after you eat greasy foods? Does it hurt on your right side? Lots of pregnant people get bad gallbladders with all those hormones. I am sure you are a hard stick when you are dehydrated. Sorry you have been so sick, document what you eat when you get sick though, see if it is fatty or fried foods that do it. Also, not to tute my own horn, but I am pretty good at those Iv'.s to bad I wasn't there to help out. Glad you are feeling better now!

kelli said...

p.s. Did they give you phenegran? That makes a lot of people dizzy!

Skye said...

i got that shelf a few years ago at Roberts crafts and just painted it and sanded it-thanks! You should check there and at Hobby Lobby-they both have tons of cute decorations and they're cheep.

utahmama2 said...

Yeah it was that medication and they said my iron is low, do you know what the normal level is for your iron level?

Tiff and Chris said...

I hate needles...especially ones that don't seem to work well with the person putting it in! I hope that you start feeling better! My sister is due September 4th, so I am so excited. As for where I met my hubby...a church dance here in San Antonio Texas when I was in high school. Good luck with everything--your kids are so cute!

Nick and Stacey said...

Oh man that is no fun! When I had Faye and they did the epidural the doctor kept moving the needle around! No Fun I can't even imagine if I would have been able to see what they were doing! I like it better not seeing! Even though I can feel it!

The Johnson Fam said...


I am glad to hear you are feeling better. I am anemic and get really anemic when I am pregnant and it makes me very sick, so I know what you are going through. I even passed it on to Sadie, so she has to take iron and have it tested. I think a normal iron level is supposed to be between 30-35. I am not sure what the measuring unit is though.
Anyways, glad you are doing good. I cant believe how close your due date it. Take care.

kelli said...

Jamie Normal Iron Levels for an adult woman is 65-165 mcg/dl. I am not sure if the lab value is different if you are pregnant, but I would assume it is not. Did they start you on Iron supplements?

Bentleys said...

I think our third babies are doing us in!! Same thing happened with sophie I was sick all the time with major stuff and went to l&d three times. DRINK TONS OF WATER!! Hope you are doing better.