Tuesday, June 24, 2008

There is nothing better then having to switch dr's and hospitals when your 32 weeks pregnant.. ergh. I have been on the phone all day finding out what our new insurance is, and sadly it isn't the one that my dr. takes, nor does the hospital I was planning on having the baby at. So now I have to find a new dr, and new hospital, which will be even further away from where I am at now. Not only that but my new insurance doesn't take IHC so we have to find a new family dr. and pedi. Fun stuff. oh well what can ya do.


Nick and Stacey said...

Oh man! That is no fun! I think it is so hard to find a great doctor in the first place! Good luck with all that!

Erin ;) said...

what are u going to do?

Ashley and Devan said...

I didn't deliver at Timp, I delivered at Orem Community. Sorry! As far as a doctor goes Dr. Wayne Young has a wonderful midwife, Heather. I hated Dr Young but loved Heather. She is at the IHC right by Orem Community so you could see if she takes your insurance. Also I used to work for Dr. Michael Whiting who is a pediatrician in American Fork. He is a great doctor and takes all insurances. All the rooms are theamed too so it's fun for the kids. He's at American Fork Pediatrics. Hope that helps!!

Ashlie said...

That stinks!! But at least you have insurance!! I finally got my computer set up at the new house. I am going to put some pictures of the new house on my blog just for you okay!!

DeYoung said...

That is so frustrating! We had that happen when I was expecting Lori. It's difficult to "start all over" after you just get feeling comfortable with what you have. Hope it all turns out for the best!

Team Reid said...

That is no good! Too bad you don't live closer to McKay - my doc there is FABULOUS! If I hear of any great docs your way I will let ya know ASAP!

Brea Marie said...

I know I am a little behind, but you know why. Just wanted to tell you that I second Ash's comment. Dr. Whiting is an AMAZING doctor. He was Brooke's pediatrician until we moved to Spanish Fork.(The drive to AF is a little far to go for a doctor.) He was great when Brooke was having problems and still was never fully diagnosed (most people just said it was "normal" spit up. But mother's intuition told me it wasn't). He sent us to 2 gastroenterologists, one being at Primary Children's. He also agreed with me when I felt that 3 months of constant ear infections was enough to go ahead with tubes. (Glad we did it then, because I really feel that the time she couldn't hear has resulted in her speech delay. She is doing better now, but I am really glad we didn't wait.) And one more thing about Dr. Whiting.... he hires THE best office staff in the world. They all, Ash included, treated me like I was their highest priority at that moment. I hope Dr. Whiting takes your new insurance. Okay, sorry I went off like that, but I am glad to be home for the moment. By the way, I will send you an email when I get more time, but I wanted to let you know, I appreciate your nice suggestions. Thanks!

utahmama2 said...

Thanks girls!! I also hate when you find a great dr, but the staff isn't so great, so that is good to know!!