Sunday, July 27, 2008

I am sure you are all sick of my dr. updates as I am! Yesterday I was having a lot of sharp pain every time the baby moved her head. I went to the dr. and we found out that my pelvic bone is dislocated and that is why when she moves I get extreme pain. Well there is nothing I can do about this, normally a loratab knocks me out, but even TWO didn't do anything. To make a long story short I go in on Thursday for another amnio and if her lungs are ready then we will be having a baby this Friday or Sat.


skcoe said...

You are BROKEN! You poor thing, I feel so bad for you! Hang in there and PLEASE let your kids come over for a few hours one day!

Bentleys said...

YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!! Im so sorry you are going through all this yucky stuff I wish I was close so I could take your kids of make you dinner! you are done right!!!! :) It will all be worth it!

Tiff and Chris said...

Oh I feel so bad that your hip is dislocated. Hurray for having the baby soon though!

Brea Marie said...

Almost there! Sorry you are in such horrible pain. Hope everything goes well for you. Can't wait to see her!

Unknown said... sounds like you have been having a horrible time...and a dislocated pelvis bone!? that sounds awful and painful!! I hope her little lungs are perfect by Friday and that you can have her! The sooner the better, right!? You are amazing!

Ashlie said...

Hang in there Jamie! I will keep you and your family in my prayers! You are almost done. I am can't wait to see pictures of her!

Nick and Stacey said...

yeah I can't wait to see the pic. Sounds like you are beyond ready to be done...

Ashley and Devan said...

Oh my gosh! You poor thing! Do you have to have a c-section or will you be able to push? At least it'll all be worth it when you see her sweeet face!

Gina said...

I'm such a dork! I finally get on my blog and update it, change my background and then check everyones blog. I come to yours and we have the SAME background. I guess great minds think alike! See ya tomorrow