Thursday, July 3, 2008

These last couple of weeks I have been asking Trent over and over about the insurance, I have made calls and tried to see where I can now go because of the new switch. I had all my dr appt's already set up with my induction date at my old dr. I kept putting off canceling and telling them I wasn't coming in anymore. I about went three different times to go cancel but decided I would just do it the day I went to my new dr. So the day of my new dr. I was sitting on the dr's table waiting for him to come in when my phone started ringing, it was the insurance company. After being told that there is no way I can no longer go to AF hospital or back to my old dr, I was ready to set everything up for Timp and my new dr. I hurried to listen to the message and it said that they had good news the new insurance company will let me go to my old dr. I am glad I didn't cancel anything, and at that point I stayed to get my dr checkup anyways since I had to cancel my old dr's that morning appt. I was really impressed with the new dr as well, so it is nice to know that if something were to go wrong agian I have two good dr's to go to. The nice thing about my old dr. is that I have already paid a lot of money to them, and they are cheaper.


Ashlie said...

I am super glad that everything worked out for you!! I can't even imagine how stressful that must have been dealing with insurance issues, they are such a pain to deal with!! Are you getting excited?? I KNOW I AM!!

Ashley and Devan said...

Yay! What a relief I bet. So when is the big day?

utahmama2 said...
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utahmama2 said...

it is on Aug 12th!

Team Reid said...

Yay! I am glad it all worked out! I can't believe she will be here so soon!