Monday, July 7, 2008

Two weeks ago I went to visit my friend I haven't seen in a year, Crystal who is also expecting. The shirt I am wearing I bought with Crystal when we were Jr's in high school from savers!LOL It still fits!

The fourth of July we went and saw Wall-E, had a BBQ at my moms, then went to the Clearfield Fireworks.

I thought it would be fun to have the kids paint my belly like they would a big pumpkin or giant Easter egg. They LOVED it! This was an only one time deal, hopefully they remember that~! Looks like I have the whole world in my hands!


Ashlie said...

I wish I would have known you were down here!! DANG IT!!

Brea Marie said...

When is Crystal due? I didn't even know she was pregnant too! How fun! I loved being pregnant along with Cara. Tell Crystal she needs to get a blog and let us in on what she's up to!! I miss her.

Bentleys said...

Its getting sooooo close!! You two look so cute!!!! lOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!

Christian and Melissa said...

Wow! It's like flashback to Linclon Ward 1995! You both look so cute!

Tiff and Chris said...

Thats too funny! I can't believe you have a shirt from 7th grade still...I gues I have t-shirts though :) Wow, Congrats to Crystal too.